News & Notice

KICT Remodels Public Building in Yeoncheon County
  • NameKICT
  • Date2022/03/04 00:00:00
  • Hit1,830

On March 4, the KICT held a completion ceremony celebrating its green remodeling of the Yeoncheon County Agricultural Technology Center and the achievement of its goal of reducing the building's heating and cooling energy consumption by over 20%.

As part of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport’s national R&D initiative, a KICT research team led by Dr. Kang Jae-sik performed building diagnostics, selected technologies for application, designed the building, and completed related installations. In addition to the goal of achieving a 20% reduction in energy use, the remodeling efforts were primarily focused on increasing the building’s overall economy, energy efficiency, and comfort. Building enhancements aimed at achieving these goals included the installation of surface insulation on windows, external walls, and rooftops, total heat exchangers, and energy-efficient blinds.

Simulations of the building upgrades, designed for energy efficiency, have shown that the remodeled Yeoncheon County Agricultural Technology Center now consumes 456.58 kWh of electricity per year, compared to a previous 515.28 kWh per year, which is equivalent to an annual savings of around KRW 5.5 million in power bills.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport envisions a future with zero-energy government buildings and has been pushing to increase the buildings’ energy efficiency ratings. As part of this goal, the Ministry plans to introduce mandates in phases, while continuing to support green remodeling of existing government buildings in various capacities.

연천군농업기술센터 그린리모델링 준공식 1

Yeoncheon Aggrogriate Tech Center 2

Yeoncheon Aggrogriate Tech Center 3


Yeoncheon Aggrogriate Tech Center 4
