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KICT Holds Human Rights Management Proclamation Ceremony and Q2 Meeting
  • NameKICT
  • Date2022/04/04 00:00:00
  • Hit1,408
On April 4, 2022, the KICT hosted the “KICT Human Rights Management Proclamation Ceremony” at the KICT headquarters. There were a total of 420 attendees, with 70 people present in the the 30-Year Commemoration Hall and 350 others joining online through Gooroomee.

Kim Jung-hwa, the 2021 KICT Integrity Award winner, and Kang Se-hoon, the Outstanding Safety and Health Management Research Center winner, gave the declaration speech. KICT President Kim Byunk-suk and all attending KICT staff members held up their right hands during the declaration and took the oath together.

The KICT released the “Human Rights Impact Assessment Report” last November to actively realize social values as a public organization, including ethical management and the eradication of power abuse. Through the “KICT Human Rights Management” declaration the KICT also internally and externally officially announced its willingness to support human rights.

Starting with today’s proclamation ceremony, the KICT will strive to become a leading research institute that fulfills its social values by protecting human rights and promoting related activities.
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