The KICT has formed research clusters that reflect its multidisciplinary structure. Each research cluster carries out important, integrative research activities, often involving multiple departments. These clusters are each a matrix of expert activity strategically coordinated to respond to changes affecting the world today and advance R&D with real merit and global applicability through government projects and KICT-branded projects aimed at social issue management and future response. The KICT is creating an open research platform that will enable experts from around the world to join its research clusters via virtual reality technology.
- Integrated Road Management Research Cluster
- Modular Construction Research Cluster
- Smart Cities Research Cluster
- Hydrogen-Infrastructure Research Cluster
- BIM Research Cluster
- Urban Disaster Research Cluster
- The Yeoncheon SOC Demonstration Research Cluster
- The air quality of living environment cluster
- The International Partnerships Cluster
The Yeoncheon SOC Demonstration Research Cluster
The Yeoncheon SOC Demonstration Research Cluster Research
is dedicated to Korea's transition to a future road infrastructure (“K-Road”) characterized by carbon neutrality, autonomous driving, climate change control, and other eco-friendly and future mobility elements. This is being realized through the cluster’s contribution to the resolution of social issues and the setting of national policies with its reorganization of legal frameworks, discovery of future technology countermeasure research (facility) projects, and efficient operation of facilities.
- Head of cluster: Byun Sang-chul, Department of Highway & Transportation Research
- Head of cluster: Byun Sang-chul, Department of Highway & Transportation Research
- Creation of testing frameworks and optimization of R&D and resources for “K-Road” (future road infrastructure) testing
Contribution to the KICT and Government Policies
- Purpose-driven R&D promotion for the resolution of national and social issues
- Establishment of new infrastructure and transportation paradigms for innovative growth
Major Areas of Research
Establishment of testing facilities (legislation, technical support, general survey support)
- Procurement of testing resources for K-Road projects in addition to the provision of technical support for facility construction management and supervision
- Procurement of project budgets and their effective management
- Establishment of strategies for the standardization of K-Road testing processes
- Establishment of strategies for the legislation of K-Road (grounds for legislation, tasks, program operation, budgeting, etc.)
Discovery of future technology R&D (facility) projects (identification and accommodation of additional demands)
- Establishment of strategies for the three-stage execution of the K-Road project
- Identification of and response to additional new demands for facilities other than those currently planned under the K-Road project
Efficient and transparent operation of facilities through the optimization of operating standards (improvement in general operation, computerization, public relations, and application)
- Research on establishing strategies for efficient planning and operation of K-Road resources
- Roadmap for advanced utilization of and mid- to long-term management plan for K-Road resources
Conducting research on testing infrastructure in response to social issues and policy demands
- Research on K-Road application (road traffic safety research based on simulated climate testing, etc.)
- Research and testing in response to social issues and government policies
Major Areas of Expertise
- Road traffic, road pavement, road structure, geology
- State-of-the-art road and traffic safety in connection with autonomous driving
- Climate change response, carbon neutrality