The KICT has formed research clusters that reflect its multidisciplinary structure. Each research cluster carries out important, integrative research activities, often involving multiple departments. These clusters are each a matrix of expert activity strategically coordinated to respond to changes affecting the world today and advance R&D with real merit and global applicability through government projects and KICT-branded projects aimed at social issue management and future response. The KICT is creating an open research platform that will enable experts from around the world to join its research clusters via virtual reality technology.
- Integrated Road Management Research Cluster
- Modular Construction Research Cluster
- Smart Cities Research Cluster
- Hydrogen-Infrastructure Research Cluster
- BIM Research Cluster
- Urban Disaster Research Cluster
- The Yeoncheon SOC Demonstration Research Cluster
- The air quality of living environment cluster
- The International Partnerships Cluster
The air quality of living environment cluster
The air quality of living environment cluster, Research
is taking a lead in convergence R&D by creating safe and healthy living environments where people can enjoy the cleanest air possible.
- Head of cluster: Park Jung-jun, Department of Structural Engineering Research
- Head of cluster: Park Jung-jun, Department of Structural Engineering Research
- Development of technologies to improve the living environmental air quality that induces constant reduction of harmful substances and infectious agents as well as establishment of comprehensive and integrated air quality management frameworks for the development and innovation of construction technology
Contribution to the KICT and Government Policies
- Contribution to national R&D projects and the creation of integrated platforms for the resolution of issues related to particulate matter, which has been classified as a social disaster according to the March 2019 revision of the Framework Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety
- Creation of integrated platforms that support government policies and R&D on particulate matter reduction, indoor air quality control, infectious disease prevention, materials development, etc.
- Provision of solutions to environmental hazards to secure sustainable living for citizens
Major Areas of Research
Development of functional materials and construction materials for the reduction of toxic substances (particulate matter, VOCs, CO2, radon, etc.) and microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.)
- Development of functional materials and construction materials for the physical and chemical removal of toxic substances and microorganisms
- Development and testing of technologies to assess the effectiveness of materials that remove toxic substances and microorganisms
Ventilation and surface purification technologies for the reduction of toxic substances and microorganisms
- Development of ventilation and surface purification technologies for the removal of airborne toxic substances and microorganisms
- Development of assessment technologies to assess the effectiveness of removal of toxic substances and microorganisms through field trial chambers
Development of technologies for monitoring toxic substances and microorganisms and for active air quality control
- Development of active management system and remote control technologies for constant air quality control
- Development of technologies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to sense and block radiation
Development of advanced materials with repeated regeneration functions for the maintenance of clean air quality
- Development of advanced materials such as ultra-lightweight paper electrode filters, high-porosity adsorption/oxidation materials, and ultra-high porosity adsorption materials
- Modular configuration of developed materials and development of technologies for real-life application in the field, etc.
Major Areas of Expertise
- Indoor air quality control through the use of systems and technologies
- Monitoring and active control of air quality management
- Ventilation and purification for the removal of toxic substances and microorganisms
- Anti-viral construction materials and HVAC systems for prevention of infectious disease diffusion
- Indoor and field testing of particulate matter-reducing construction materials
- Construction material technology based on the catalytic removal of the precursors of particulate matter
- Development of particulate matter-reducing materials
- Development of nanomaterials for environment purification